St. Mark’s is the Episcopal Church on Marco Island. Since our first service was held on August 13, 1967, we’ve opened our doors and our hearts to local year-round and seasonal residents alike. We invite you to come experience the love that so many find in this place we call our spiritual home.
Meet Our Leadership: Say hello to the leadership team at St. Mark’s. Got questions? Contact us by emailing office@stmarksmarco.org or call us at 239-394-7242.

The Rev. Dr. Jessica Harris Babcock, Rector
Rev. Jessica serves in an executive pastor role at St. Mark’s guiding the work and growth of the church through preaching, teaching, pastoral care and good administration. She is married to her husband of 30+ years, Dwight, and they have two grown daughters. Jessica holds a Doctor of Divinity Degree (D. Min.) from The University of the South in Sewanee TN. You can contact Jessica at jessica@stmarksmarco.org.

The Rev. Kathy Schillreff – Assisting Priest
Rev. Kathy assists with preaching, teaching and pastoral care. Kathy holds an M. Div. from Seabury-Western Seminary in Evanston, IL (now Bexley-Seabury). Rev. Kathy generously gifts her time to St. Mark’s. You may contact Kathy at kschillreff@comcast.net.
Say hello to the lay leadership team at St. Mark’s.

What’s a Vestry?
The Episcopal Church uses the term vestry to refer to our body of lay members elected by the parish to run the business of a church. Members of the vestry are elected at the Annual Meeting in January of each year and serve for a three-year term. The Vestry has ultimate responsibility for church finances, buildings and grounds.
Two members of the vestry serve in the role of Senior Warden and Junior Warden. The Senior Warden serves as the primary liaison between the Rector and the Parish. The Junior Warden has oversite of parish buildings and grounds.
Vestry Members
Class of 2028: Jane Leonard (Jr. Warden 2025-2026), Heather Barber, Steve Armstrong
Class of 2027: Mike Bombyk, Jane Leeber, Judy Hughes (Sr. Warden 2025-2026)
Class of 2026: Elisa Barhoum, Ruth Cross, John McCarthy
Finance Committee Chair: Gary Vanic
Corporate Secretary: Jack Couzens, esq.
Non-Voting: Treasurer, Ann Burton
Peggy Totten – Director of Family Ministries
Peggy oversees our preschool, managing 40+ preschool children and teachers. She’s a legend on the island and is known as “Miss Peggy” by many families who had children in her preschool program. Additionally, she serves as our Director of Family Ministries – coordinating formation for our Youth and Children. You can contact Peggy at pstotten@comcast.net.
Helga Bartus – Choir Director and Organist
Helga serves as our Choir Director and Organist as well as leading our Hand Bell Choir. Additionally, she chairs our “Friends of Music” concert series, and publishes our weekly e-newsletter, “The Vine.” Helga is a graduate of the Franz Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest, Hungary. She holds a Master of Music degree in organ performance and teaching. You can contact Helga at helga@stmarksmarco.org.
Shane Totten – Band Director
Shane brings the 9:00 Family Service alive with his wonderful blend of secular and sacred music performed by the No Exceptions Band. You can contact Shane at tottensh@gmail.com.
Nina Christensen – Parish Administrator
As our Parish Administrator, Nina is responsible for keeping the church campus running smoothly by managing vendors, scheduling repairs, maintaining the church calendar and website, overseeing video streaming on Sunday Mornings, and general office and ministry support. You can contact Nina at office@stmarksmarco.org.
Kathie Osswald – Office Assistant
Kathie produces our worship bulletin each week and maintains our Member Database. You can contact Kathie at kathieo@stmarksmarco.org.
Arguably, St. Mark’s has the best location on Marco Island. You’ll see our steeple as you cross the Jolley Bridge and continue down Collier Boulevard. Parking can be found by turning left on East Elkcam Circle and left again on 6th Avenue.
Physical Address: 1101 North Collier Blvd. Marco Island, FL 34145
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 339 Marco Island, FL 34146
You can reach us Monday-Thursday from 10 AM to 4 PM during our office hours by calling (239) 394-7242 or you may email the office to reach a staff member by submitting the contact form below.