Palm Saturday, March 23
10:00 AM | Cross Making & Meditation | Willis Ministry Center
Palm Sunday, March 24
Services | 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM | Sanctuary
Easter Egg Dying following the 9:00 AM Service | Playground
Maundy Thursday, March 28
5:30 PM | Foot Washing | Eucharist | Stripping of the Altar | Sanctuary
Good Friday, March 29
4:30 PM | Stations of the Cross | Sanctuary
Service | 5:30 PM | Good Friday Service | Sanctuary
Holy Saturday, March 30
12:00 Noon | Blessing of the Baskets Service | Chapel
Easter Sunday, March 31
7:00 AM | Sunrise Service | Labyrinth | Breakfast to Follow
9:00 AM | Island Style Service | Labyrinth | Easter Egg Hunt after 9 AM
10:30 AM | Traditional Service with Choir | Sanctuary
Note: Our Wednesday Tenebrea Service during Holy Week was cancelled.