St. Mark’s is a generous parish. Kindness is woven into everything we do, and everything we do is made possible by the generous contributions of our faithful members.
Please Give Abundantly
At St. Mark’s, our generosity is informed by the simple theological truth that God has blessed us infinitely with all of the gifts of Creation. Our lives, our labor, and our love are all “Rooted in Abundance.”
Please join us in recognition of these blessings. Your financial contributions to St. Mark’s extend our blessings to so many others. While the culture cries “scarcity,” we know better. Our deep roots in the community and ministry work keep us grounded and help sustain us even in hard times.
Learn More
Your annual pledge to the church is a prayerful intention and commitment to give for the upcoming year.
You can click “Pledge Now” and set up gifts to be paid electronically at your desired frequency (weekly, biweekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually).
A pledge can be changed at any time if your circumstances change.
Thank you for your continued generosity!
Give Now to St. Mark’s
Manage charitable giving to the church via our secure giving portal, where you can easily set up reoccurring donations (and specify which church programs you’d like to help support).
You can also drop a check or cash (in an envelope labeled with your name) in the offering plate, or send a check in the U.S. mail to: St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, P.O. Box 339, Marco Island, FL 34146
Lastly, you can choose to set up reoccurring online payments through your own financial institution.
Other Ways to Give
Please Volunteer Your Time: In addition to financial support, St, Mark’s has many needs that are met by our loyal volunteers. For more information on how you can bring your expertise forward, please see our Ministries page and Participate page for more details.
Additional Planned Giving: St. Mark’s commonly accepts gifts of stock and other assets. (All assets are sold to further our mission). If you’d like to discuss a non-cash gift or how to put St. Mark’s into your estate planning, please contact our bookkeeper.